Pre Alpha Preview
Being that I have put this mod on hold for the moment, and that when I resume again I will probably be changing
engines, I have decided to release a playable pre-alpha preview of the mod. This version works in instant action
matches only, and the bots won't do anything except hit you with swords (no anim yet). You are free to cast the basic
gesture attacks I have already programmed in, to see the way in which the engine recognises your input.
The gestures you can draw are as follows:
Sorry for my crappy drawing, I was in a hurry. Also note that the basic instructions for playing are: Right click
to toggle gesture / walk mode, hold left mouse while in gesture mode to draw gestures. For the 'BIG spell' gesture,
you must release left mouse and then hold again to draw the second 'inverse V' shape.
Hope it all works and is fun/interesting for a while.
Design Process Document
Since Grabin was started as a university assignment, you might get a few documents like the one above.
This one is a process document, which basically explains in ludicrous detail how the development of the game
will progress.
A Project Proposal
You should keep in mind if you read this, that esentially this is my excuse for making this mod. In other words,
it's just a justification as to how this mod could POSSIBLY fit into my university course structure. So I might
say some things that arent so much interesting as, erm, justifications. However, it does explain the mechanics and
theory of Grabin a little more. In places.