Go up a folder for more mods and game stuff
Latest release: v0.35
Download: excessiveTV035installer.exe

To install:
Installation is easy! Simply run the installer and install in your base Tribes: Vengeance directory. This is usually something like C:\Program Files\VUGames\Tribes Vengeance.
The installer will create shortcuts in your start menu to launch the mod.

Finding games:
You can easily filter your server searches to find Excessive servers. In the server browser, click 'Manage Filters'. You can then simply add a new filter by using mod = 'excessiveTV' in the query box.

Dedicated Server:
To create an ExcessiveTV dedicated server, you can use the included batch file in [Tribes Directory]\excessiveTV. Edit the file to include the map you wish to play on and your admin username and password, if any.                                                                                              

Excessive T:V � 2005 pospi.
Everything on this website remains sole property of pospi and is his own work unless otherwise stated.
No materials, images etc may be copied or used without permission.