CP1252 Fixer: a system tray utility for escaping Word ‘smart quotes’ for the web

On the theme of things which I am shocked have not already been created, I lately took it upon myself to write an application for automatically fixing Microsoft "Smart Quotes". This utility sits in your system tray and replaces these troublesome characters (‘ ” … etc) with a more web-appropriate version before they get anywhere near your webpages.

It is configurable in various ways and should be an invaluable timesaver for any publisher, copywriter, web developer or person working with internet content. More information can be found here.

TextSelector JavaScript class

TextSelector is a lightweight JavaScript class for handling text selections. It retrieves the highlighted text on the page reliably and independently of the document area and browser.

Which is to say, it will behave properly no matter what browser you are in, and no matter whether you have normal text on the page selected or some input inside a text field highlighted. I found it odd that there was nothing like this out there, so here it is (:
The class is written in pure JavaScript, so you don't need any external dependencies to use it.

pDebug released

Released - pDebug : Public Alpha 3.0.07
A lightweight, powerful and robust debugging platform for PHP5

Source files are on

Have at it, send me your results! 😀