version 2.2

X-Explorer is a utility that lets you search for things in X3 : Reunion. It generates a map of the game galaxy in universally readable PNG format, hilighting sectors that contain matching goods and showing additional useful statistics. It reads actual game data, meaning that it is always accurate, and supports searching of modded universes and even player savegames through a script plugin.

Confused? Please read the Instructions before you begin.

Universe Map:

X3 (v1.3)   X3   Custom Universe

Simple search mode selected.
Advanced Search

Search by Ware Type

                as dock item
                as factory product
                as factory primary resource
                as factory secondary resource
                as asteroid deposit

Output Map Language

English   Deutsche   Francais   Italiano


Please make sure cookies are enabled. The system will not work without them.

How to quickly search for a ware:

This is the default interface, good for when you just want to find something quickly.

1 - Choose a universe to search from the Universe Map section. If you want to search a savegame or modded universe, look here.

2 - Select a ware from the dropdown box. The list is ordered alphabetically, so you can jump quickly to what you are looking for by typing the first letter of it.

3 - Choose one or more places to look for the ware. Dock Items will show you wares sold at trading docks, equipment docks and shipyards. The factory options search for factory products and resources. The Asteroid Deposit option looks for wares in asteroids (you will only ever find ore, silicon and nividium with this). If none of these are selected, the search will be left blank. You may select multiple boxes as well.

4 - Choose a different output language for the map if desired.

5 - Press Search Universe to generate your map in PNG format. Please refer to the map legend for details on what is generated.

How to search for groups of wares by name:

This is a more powerful option which allows you to search for many wares at a time.

1 - Click on the Advanced Search link.

2 - Enter the search terms. Searches are matched by all the words you enter, in any order. If you leave this blank, all wares will be shown in the next step.

3 - A list showing all the wares that matched the search is presented, unless no matches were found. Select as many wares from the list as you wish to search for, by holding the CTRL key when clicking on them.

4 - Choose a language and search as you would with the quick search method.

How to search your current savegame, or search a patch / mod's universe file:

This option is used to upload a custom universe for searching.

Preparation - A script plugin written by Birdman is required to search your savegames. To run this script, you must first enable the script editor in your game.

Once this is done, you can install the script. There are two versions - one will show the entire universe even if you have not explored it, the other spoiler-free one only shows details of sectors you have already visited. You should not install both at the same time, as they will conflict.

Download Script
Download Spoiler-Free Script

Follow the instructions included in the download to install and activate the script. Once done, a file called log07882.txt will be created in your game directory.

To search modded universes, you can either obtain the relevant universe XML file for that mod, or simply use Birdman's plugin on a savegame running that mod to generate all the data easily.

1 - Under the Universe Map section, click on Custom Universe.

2 - In the Custom Universe Data box, browse to the file the plugin created for you, or input your mod's universe XML file. If you are on a slower connection, you can zip this file to make the upload quicker.

3 - The two radio buttons under Custom Universe Data are to choose whether the universe data should be read by itself (Standalone), or added on top of the default X3 universe (Patch). The patch option is only for mini-mods or game patches - for regular mods and savegame data generated by Birdman's script, use Standalone or you will have errors.

4 - Proceed with either search method above. Also there's no need to choose a language for custom searches - they will have been outputted in whichever language you run the game in.

Your universe data will be saved on the server for 1 week after you last accessed it. This just makes things easier, so that you don't have to re-upload your file each time. To delete your data so that you can upload a newer output, just press Unload. In the event of some error, you will be told what went wrong and will be given an option to retry the upload.

How to display data about the entire universe quickly:

For when you just want to know everything.

You may have noticed the previously unmentioned button labelled Show all Data. You can use this instead of the Search Universe button at any time to display a giant table listing all the sectors, stations and wares in the current universe (standard or custom) in a nicely formatted list.

Map Legend

The numbers displayed can be slightly misleading at first. Matching Resources shows the total number of resources found in that sector from all stations, whilst Matching Stations shows the total number of stations which contain those resources. Both numbers are of course dependent on the criteria you specify - if you searched for a resource as a dock item, factory product and factory primary resource, you would most likely get many more matches than if you only searched as a dock item.

Player owned sectors will come up white, on the offchance that any are present.

Other Things to Consider

Just because a map tells you you can buy a ware somewhere doesn't necessarily mean it will be available when you get there. Things go out of stock all the time, however they are usually restocked fairly promptly.

Certain special stations (such as Terracorp HQ) appear to be created by script rather than being defined in the universe directly. For this reason, such stations will usually appear as Equipment docks or other mundane things.

If you happen to use IE, it will resize the map image and make it look like crap. Just so you know.


Bug reports, etc? email
pospi at spadgos dot com